Friday, June 8, 2012

Amazing Women

I had the opportunity to spend the weekend with thirty DKG members from around Georgia and the Psi State Leadership Team at Leadership I Seminar in Macon. I left the weekend knowing that Psi State's future is bright because of the amazing women who are ready to step up into leadership roles from the chapter level and beyond.

The weekend was filled with topics that created vision, confidence, and challenges. The team of presenters, led by chair Jonnie Ghetti, produced powerful images, learning opportunities, and fertile ground for growth in leadership styles. Dr. Hanna Fowler's sessions allowed us to delve into our own leadership personalities and gather a much deeper understanding of the styles of others. BEFORE the weekend was over, participants were already asking to sign up for Leadership II 2013.

If you have not attended a Leadership Seminar in Psi State, I highly recommend you add it to you "things to do" list. Nowhere will you find better leadership training from such outstanding women.

Faith Shiver, Leadership Team member checking participants in.

Ready for participants; Forward Moving • Forward Thinking!
Let the learning begin!