Saturday, April 13, 2013

Convention Afterglow

I am basking in the afterglow of a wonderful convention. Hats off to the convention committee and many others for their tireless work to make it memorable and special. From Friday night's keynote, Ed Grisamore, to Dr. Beverly Helms' keynote at the luncheon, we were entertained and enlightened. Dr. Fowler's "Pearls of Wisdom" imparted special meaning at the banquet on Saturday night.

It took MANY people to make this convention an outstanding one. Workshop presenters, atendees, and all the many details that had to made for each session, each meal, and the incredibly moving Ceremony of Remembrance on Sunday morning.

I am humbled and honored at the the incredible dedication and love for our Society as shown by hours of tireless work to make "Macon Memories".