Saturday, July 7, 2012

New Chapter Presidents Take the Reigns

It's official; chapter presidents have begun their journey as the leaders of their chapters. I know they are putting in the planning with their chapter's executive board on the front end, with the end results in mind. New and renewed leadership at the chapter level will keep us FORWARD MOVING ○ FORWARD THINKING!

Chapter presidents received training at each of the district workshops around Georgia. For those presidents not in attendance, President Notebooks were sent to them by their District Director. Other tools are available at the international Website and the state Website to utilize at their will. A special spot has been created on the Psi State Website called, "Chapter President's Toolbox," where one may find links and documents at their fingertips.

As members of the State Executive Board, presidents will travel to Macon twice per year to help conduct Psi State business and garner new information to take back to chapters. Please mark Sept. 22 and Feb. 23rd on your calendars. All members are welcome to Executive Board and there will be something for everyone there, however, the voting members of the board are elected state officers, past state presidents, district directors, and chapter presidents. In order for us to conduct business, we must have a quorum of voting members so it is of utmost importance that chapter presidents attend or send a designee in their place.

Congratulations, chapter presidents as your journey begins; in some cases the journey continues. Please know that Psi State supports you along the way!!

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