Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Big Apple

The international convention in NYC has come and gone, but the memories will last a lifetime!

Top Ten Memories of Convention...
1. Seeing new faces from Georgia attend the convention!
2. Hanna Fowler installed as SER Director.
3. Judy Farrigan awarded the Star of the Southeast of GA.
4. ETA chapter ladies' video presented at convention!
5. Representing Psi State as your president.
6. Dr. Beverly Helms installed as the international president.
7. Carolyn Pittman installed as international first-vice!!!
8. The Georgia Dinner held in Hell's Kitchen with Dr. Helms as guest.
9. Keynote speaker, Tori McClure. INSPIRATIONAL! (She needs to come to our convention!)
10. Meeting new friends and connecting with old.

Top Ten Things I Did in the "Spare" Time I had in NYC... (Yes, all on my own dime. LOL.)
1. Arriving the weekend before convention to tour the city with my sister from CA!
2. Reunions with my Golden Gift Class and with the SE Presidents!
3. Shopping!!!
4. Seeing two plays.
5. Visiting Mario Batali's Eataly.
6. Eating a hot dog from the street cart with Sandra Yerby. YUMMY!
7. Seeing the view from the Empire State Building.
8. Going to the High Line Park. (Great vision to make a park from an old abandoned railway bridge.)
9. Seeing Times Square at night.
10. GREAT restaurants.

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