Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Spirit of Christmas is Alive and Well in the Heart of our Psi State Chapters

I have traveled over one-thousand miles visiting chapters in the last couple of months. What a pleasure to visit and experience the different styles and customs of each, and a common thread permeates all chapters. The act of giving, and giving BIG to enhance education and the lives of others in their communities is apparent and powerful from the coast to the mountains.

These acts become more significant during this Christmas season, but the truth is, our chapters sponsor meaningful projects all during the year. From literacy projects, shelter projects for abused women and abused children, grants-in-aid, to supporting early career educators, Psi State does meaningful work.

Being a member of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International means so much, especially when you are actively making a difference in the lives of others. Well done, Psi State, and blessings to you all.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

IRS Impacts Chapters Across DKG

The last three weeks have been interesting indeed, and all members need to take note of some serious matters and consequences with the IRS. Since 2007 chapters have been required to file an "e-card" form 990. (This came about due to Homeland Security post 2001.) Over 200 chapters have been affected by not filing!

We have now learned the serious consequences if the form is not filed three years in a row! I received an email from International informing me that two of our chapters in Georgia have been dropped from the DKG umbrella (due to not filing their 990 for the required years.) That was shocking to the chapter presidents and chapter treasurers indeed. These are GREAT chapters, with great leadership, and yet this still happened. Lesson learned: this can happen to YOUR chapter!

Once dropped from the DKG umbrella, our two chapters have had to reorganize under another name, close their checking accounts, receive  new EIN numbers, and open another account in their NEW name. This can happen to ANY chapter! Judy Farrigan (our state treasurer) and I have worked to help them through this whole process.

Judy has emailed all chapter presidents and treasurers, using our district directors to follow through, stressing the importance of filing by the Nov. 15th deadline! We have heard from many chapters, but some chapters have NOT responded. This is serious business. If the 990s are not filed, we will see more chapters go through reorganization!

So, if you are reading this, email your chapter president and treasurer and ask if your chapter is up-to-date filing 990s AND they have recently filed for the Nov. 15th deadline. Make sure they are keeping copies of all e-cards filed. If you need help or have any questions, please email me AND Judy Farrigan. This is serious business ladies. We are  here to help and serve.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fall Executive Board Meeting

Months of planning came to fruition yesterday in Macon. What a joy to look out to the one hundred fifty-six members filling the tables  and breathe a sigh of relief that the "new look" of Executive Board just might work! Although the day was a bit frenetic as we moved from place to place, there were many positive comments and smiling faces along the way.

I must admit my favorite part of the day was working with chapter presidents in the "Adding to Your Toolbox" session. I found that session to go by much too quickly and I would have loved to be with them all day! Ah, the possibilities!!!

It was amazing to see the new faces presenting at each of the six District Meetings and district directors running their show with passion and goals in mind. They unveiled their plans for spring district workshops to include training for chapter leadership for the next chapter biennium.

In the business meeting we set the date and location for DeltaHostel 2012 (Jekyll Island), Psi State Convention 2013 (Macon), unveiled plans for electronic scrapbooking, passed new funding for many projects, received an update on the SOS project, raised money for World Fellowship, learned about the project THAT, recognized Dr. Patti Newman as the Psi State Achievement Award winner, were updated on the Psi State Founders' Ad Hoc Committee, and awarded highest chapter participation to chapters by donating to Schools for Africa in their honor!

Of course there was our usual delicious lunch fare and great fellowship, but I am most proud of the sessions offered  throughout the day that included treasurer's workshop and sessions for general members. We tried very hard to make the day meaningful for EVERY person who attended. Many sisters were involved to make the new look took a village to raise the new look of executive board!!

Your evaluations were read word for word! Thank you for such great positive feedback that reflected that we are on the right track. We also had some recommendations for improvement as there is ALWAYS room for improvement. We are already planning for the next board meeting in February to be even better!!!

Spread the word about the new look of executive board. Bring new members and know we are designing executive board with YOU in mind.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

International Communications and Publicity Committee

I just returned yesterday from Headquarters in Austin. I'm always amazed when I step through the doors and wonder about the myriad of key women educators that have worked there to further our Society's work. It's humbling and inspiring at the same time.

As we broke bread for lunch in the Annie Webb Blanton Room, I took a minute to sit on the lovely "Georgia Couch" donated by Psi State years ago, yet no date was on the plaque. It is still beautiful with its crewel-like fabric and ribbon motif running across the seat pillows. I want to know more! Who selected it in Psi State? When? There has to be a Psi State story behind this! Does anyone know!? These stories do not need to be lost, but treasured and passed along.

Much work was accomplished by my committee. Working with ladies from far and wide really stretches me and allows me to grow. How often does one get to work directly with the International President, Dr. Jensi Sounders,  and the Information Services Administrator, Dr. Linda Eller? It is truly an honor and I hope other members of Psi State apply to serve at this level as applications should be posted at sometime in Novemeber.

Ladies...think about applying!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Leadership Institute

Last Saturday, sixty-one Psi State sisters gathered in Macon for a day of incredible leadership training. Where else can you get top-notch training, scrumptious catered lunch, and incredible fellowship for $15? Nowhere but in DKG! I am telling you this day was priceless!!

Our presenter, Carolyn Pittman, filled the day with her concepts and activities to add to our toolboxes. Her lessons were based on the national best seller, The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander. (If you have not read the book, put it on your "to do" list now!) The entire day was active, productive, and simply uplifting.

For those of you who don't know Carolyn, she is from Little Rock, Arkansas and has quite the resume in education and with Delta Kappa Gamma at the International level. She lights up a room with her charismatic charm and her teaching style. What an honor for us to have had her for out Leadership Institute.

The possibilities are endless in DKG. Now, on to the next possibility!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Psi State Leadership Planning Day!

I'm exhausted, but my soul is filled to the brim after a great day in Macon with thirty-nine key women educators from across the state. Our new Psi State Leadership Team gathered to learn, share, dream, and do! These forward movers and forward thinkers shared a vision for the coming biennium. We are prepared to be risk takers, change agents, and lead Psi State to new heights.

The biggest change in the wind is the "new look" of State Executive Board Meetings. The new design will be engaging and include components that will better serve all members. On September 24, our first Executive Board Meeting, you will experience a redesigned agenda for the day that will meet needs of ALL members who attend. It's all truly exciting as your leadership team is ready to tackle needed change to move Psi State Forward!

Another new component is the Ad Hoc Technology Committee. Are you tech savvy and embrace it? Then consider applying for the first Psi State Technology Committee. Applications are available at the Psi State web site under forms and applications. Applications are due on Nov. 1! Be a part of a cutting-edge biennium!!

Change is in the wind. Come be a part of an exciting time!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Wow! Technology is cool when it works correctly! Last night Psi State held two meetings using GO TO MEETING. The first was with state district directors and the second was with state officers and the new Educational Excellence Chair, Gail Springstead. After a few glitches, all was resolved and the rest of the evening went GREAT! I continue to be amazed that when I was having trouble at the beginning of the meeting, I received a phone call from International. They KNEW I was having trouble, as Virginia Pearson in Austin, was monitoring if we (in Georgia) had logged on. It is great to have your own super hero.

I'm excited that our state will be offering the use of GO TO MEETING to state officers, district directors, and state committees! Much will be accomplished!!! FORWARD MOVING ♦ FORWARD THINKING!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Southeast Regional Conference-Louisville, Kentucky

I just returned from the SE Regional Conference last night and I'm still floating three feet off the ground. The week was truly magical!

It began with pre-conference training as Psi State President. The new SE presidents worked diligently and bonded during the two and a half day training. Psi State members were seen in many capacities during the conference and were stand-outs! We had many members from our state to attend a SER conference for the first time!! I was so proud to see so many step out of their chapters to see the bigger picture of DKG.

 The conference keynote speakers were inspiring, especially Tori McClure, author of A Pearl in the Storm. She was mesmerizing to say the least. Our state luncheon was well attended and we felt at home as the room was transformed to look like we stepped into a little slice of Georgia. One of the moments that will forever make me smile...the "Georgia Peaches" gave the 2015 SE Regional Conference invitation. Our state members looked adorable in their t-shirts and sang "Georgia on My Mind" led by Page Loyd, lovely Gail Ford flounced around dressed as Scarlett, while I read an invitation poem that Gail created for us!

The week ended with the Presidents' banquet. Not only was it an honor to represent Psi State as your president, I was so proud to see so many Psi State sisters at the banquet sharing this special evening together.

Now on to the next time we meet. For state leadership members we will soon gather for Planning Day in Macon on July 30th. August 20th we will have a Leadership Institute in Macon featuring Carolyn Pittman. (See the Psi State News online for details.) I hope to see you at the first Executive Board Meeting of the biennium Sept. 24 in Macon!!